Sunday, November 25, 2007

#12 Online productivity tools (word processing, spreadsheet) tools

Am preparing this post in Zoho Writer for uploading to my blog. Obviously a useful tool, particularly in the SLV context as, in the absence of word processing facilities, which we get asked for all the time, it gives us something to offer our users as an alternative. Whilst fully appreciating the good reasons why we don't offer Word & Excel to the public, I always feel I'm being a bit negative when I have to say so. I knew about Zoho and Google docs but never really felt confident in referring people to them as I didn't have any real idea of how they worked. Now I know (about Zoho, anyway) and so can be more helpful in the future. Zoho seems to have all the standard word processing features and, although I can't foresee right now when I might need to, it could be very handy to be able to store and share documents in a central, accessible location.

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