Friday, November 16, 2007

#6/7 RSS and Newsfeeders

After checking out and adding a few recommended feeds to my blog, I was beginning to feel that these weren't for me. The BBC & ABC news sites and The Age were among the feeds I added but I actually prefer to go directly into these sorts of websites and fossick around, following my fancy as it were. However, I dutifully subscribed to five feeds as instructed. Then I did the optional exercise and identified some journal titles I'm interested in on the ANZ Reference Centre database. It was then I realised how useful this facility could be to me in my work. In an ideal world I would be across the content of the latest journals in my subject areas - Australian history, literature and cultural studies; in the real world it just doesn't happen. Now I can get the contents pages of relevant titles availaible on the ANZ Reference Centre fed to me for skimming, thus enabling me to keep up with who's publishing what in my areas of interest. I've deleted the feeds I initially added and replaced them with half a dozen journal titles which I'll add to as I get time. By the way, I couldn't get into Feedster - seems they're reconstructing the site at the moment!

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