Monday, November 26, 2007

#15 Video Sharing Websites - YouTube et al

Cowboys Herding Cats

I know I'm meant to be looking for, and commenting on, serious stuff in TouTube for the purposes of this exercise but a) is there any serious stuff on YouTube? and b) how could I resist looking for cat videos! (I did look up some of John Howard's but we can hardly take those seriously can we!). This one,an ad for a technology company, depicting cowboys herding cats,is hilarious, the best thing on YouTube.

I DID find something serious, subsequently - some video clips for a competition for the best video to advertise the Brooklyn Art Museum - maybe something for the Library here, humorous little clips highlighting both the fun and serious aspects of a visit to the museum.

Also, had a quick look at TeacherTube and ScienceHack; both look pretty useful, especially TeacherTube - another resource for our chat services?

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